Member’s Gallery

Header Image by Anna Zhynkina.

World Arts Organization and The Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts collaboration marked the beginning of an innovative journey in the realm of expressive arts and graphic design coordinated by Dara Balashova, Expressive Arts Therapy Ukraine.

Co-Creating Mandalas for Connection is an Expressive Arts Without Borders project curated by Dr. Elzette Fritz and Dr. Markus Scott-Alexander, REAT. The project celebrates the first anniversary (October 3, 2023) of the Expressive Arts Without Borders community.

Mandala means “circle” in Sanskrit and through mandala creation, connecting to the self and others opens space for containing the difficulties of life, tenderly. A mandala in art is a geometric set of patterns, colours, and shapes often presented in a circle. In the world of “I”, nature reminds us of the unity of connection and belonging to the expanding universe. Come join the circle of “returning to the whole” by creating and celebrating healing mandalas, to calm and connect the creator and viewer alike. 

Participants from all over the world created Mandalas using objects from nature and found materials and sent in images to the project team, creating a connecting circle that celebrates the healing energy of life through mandala creation. 

A beautiful video was created by Joanne Anagnostu and Mary-Ann Anagnostu with music by Linda Worster. Head over to the first issue of Lila Magazine to view the video in full.

We continue to offer FREE monthly online expressive arts workshops open to all members.

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